American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Award Recipients
Enhanced Resident Leadership Program
2022: Caitlin Hof
2019: Neda Zarghami
Resident Scholarship to the Annual Meeting
2024: Mikenzy Fassel
2022: Karina Gonzalez Otarula
2018: Nick Streicher, Neda Zarghami
Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ACTRIMS) Forum Educational Grant Travel Award
2018: Kanika Sharma
Association of Indian Neurologists in America (AINA) Trainee Award
2020: Kanika Sharma (2nd place)
Department of Neurology Medical Student Teaching Award
2024: Nicholas Wasko
2023: Erik Arneson, Kaancan Deniz, Oday Halhouli
2022: Erik Arneson
2021: Caitlin Hof
2020: Lama Abdel Wahed
2019: Jeff Karduck
2018: Jeff Karduck, Aldo Mendez Ruiz, Nick Streicher
2017: Dan Anderson, Lael Stander, Nick Streicher
2016: Amir Shaban
2015: Keith Kohout
2014: Lara Lazarre
2013: Jeff Boyle
Fellow of Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers Annual Meeting Scholar Award
2018: Kanika Sharma
Fincham Award
2024: Mikenzy Fassel
2023: Ryan Lechtenberg
2022: Caitlin Hof
2021: Lama Abdel Wahed
2020: Ann VanDeWalle Jones
2019: Alex Eischeid
2018: Dan Anderson
2017: Keith Kohout
2016: Alan Schmitt
2015: Atif Zafar
2014: Paul Flamme
2013: Jeff Boyle
2012: Thuy An "Ann" Hoang-Tienor
2011: Marlan Kay
2010: Scott Strader
2009: William Andrews
2008: Shaun Christenson
2007: Rebecca Caillier
2006: Chad Yucus
2005: Nicole Liebentritt
2004: Ana Recober-Montilla
2003: Paul Genilo
2002: Jody Neer
Senior Resident Teacher Award
2024: Kaancan Deniz
2023: Ryan Lechtenberg
2022: Amjad Elmashala
2021: Lama Abdel Wahed
2019: Jeff Karduck
2018: Faisal Fecto
U of IA GME Excellence in Clinical Teaching Award for Residents and Fellows
Nicholas Wasko (nominee)
Guanghao "Max" Liu (recipient)
Amjad Elmashala (nominee)
Lama Abdel Wahed (nominee)
Rami Fakih (nominee)
Mikenzy Fassel (nominee)
Caitlin Hof (nominee)
Guanghao “Max” Liu (nominee)
Lama Abdel Wahed (nominee)
Oday Halhouli (nominee)
U of IA Internal Medicine Internship Resident of the Year
2019: Amjad Elmashala (top 5 nominee)
Gold Humanism Award
2024: Rachel Marshall
University of Iowa John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center Innovation Challenge Award
2024: Aaron Brake (3rd Place)