About the Program

We are convinced our people, our approach, our facilities, the ease of living in Iowa City, and our quality of training can all make a difference in your career.

We invite you to consider the advantages of choosing Iowa for your Emergency Medicine training.

Quick facts

  • 10 residents are accepted each year.
  • 30 total residents are ACGME approved for our training program.
  • The University of Iowa Health Care Emergency Department (main training site) sees greater than 50,000 patients per year with a 35% percent admission rate with 5% admitted to an Intensive Care setting.
  • St. Luke’s Medical Center Emergency Department (community training site) sees greater than 50,000 patients per year with a 20% admission rate with 2% admitted to an Intensive Care setting.


  • All required Emergency Medicine and other required rotations are scheduled at the UI Health Care on University Campus or at St. Luke’s Medical Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. St. Luke’s is an approximate 30 minute drive from the University of Iowa (25 miles).
  • Elective rotations can be scheduled at the UI Health Care, or in a number of other locations including internationally.
  • Our third year emergency medicine residents have the opportunity to serve as flight physicians in Iowa's 40-year-old Air and Mobile Critical Care Services Program. They response to the scene of motor vehicle accidents and other major traumas. They also participate in the interfacility transfer of patients with conditions such as intracranial hemorrhage, stroke, myocardial infarction, and sepsis. Flight physicians have the ability to perform procedures on flights as well as assist the flight crew with management of these critically ill patients.
  • Thanks to the dedicated work of Iowa Emergency Medicine faculty who have been working in Haiti for over a decade, our residents have the opportunity to participate in medical mission trips working with a well-established organization that has strong ties to the rural communities it serves.


Program accreditation

The Emergency Medicine residency at UI Healthcare University Campus is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Information specific to program requirements for an emergency medicine training program may be found at the ACGME’s Emergency Medicine Residency Review Committee (RRC).