A primary goal of the division is to train future academic leaders in the field of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine. A large number of research training opportunities exist – both in basic and clinical investigation. During the first year of training fellows identify a research area and mentor. This process is facilitated by faculty Research Conference presentations, the Introduction to Research Conference series and individual meetings with research faculty. The fellow and mentor work together to develop a research project.
Frequently, other investigators, both within and outside the division, contribute their expertise to this process. A high level of interdepartmental collegiality and collaboration at Iowa enhances our fellow’s research training. At the beginning of the second year fellows present their research proposal to the division for constructive feedback. During the second and third years of training fellows have ~18 months of protected time to pursue their research experience. They receive training in hypothesis generation, experimental design and techniques, data interpretation and statistics, and preparation of oral presentations and written manuscripts. They regularly present their work at laboratory meetings. Attendance at regional and national meetings is encouraged and financially supported by the division. For those wanting to pursue a career in research a 4th year of fellowship training is available which is dedicated to research. Fellows also have the opportunity to pursue a Masters Degree in Translational Medicine.