Orthopedic residents at University of Iowa benefit from one of the most resident-friendly call schedules.
Four of the seven interns split the weekend into 12-hour shifts when they are on their orthopedic rotations.
PGY2 Call
During the PGY2 year, residents take in house weeknight call (5 p.m. to 7 a.m.) once a week. Each rotation, with the exception of trauma, is assigned a night of the week to cover. The trauma PGY2 does not take call during their two months on the trauma service.
Weekly Schedule
- Monday: PGY2 on the hand service
- Tuesday: PGY2 on the joint replacement service
- Wednesday: PGY2 on the sports service
- Thursday: PGY2 on the spine service
- Friday: PGY2 on the foot/ankle and tumor service
PGY3 Call
PGY3 residents are no longer in-house first call. They are the mid-level on call and only come in to help the junior operate, reductions, and more complex patient issues. Call averages every sixth day. The PGY3 residents also cover VA call when they are on-call.
PGY4 and PGY5 Call
PGY4 and PGY5 residents graduate to senior level call and usually only come in to operate. Since call is shared by 12 residents, call averages every twelfth day.