How to Apply

Application Submission

All applications must be submitted through ERAS. Applications are available through your medical school or the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG). Hard copy applications will not be accepted. Applications should be submitted by October 1. The Educational Commission must certify permanent immigrants and U.S. citizens who graduated from medical schools outside the United States and Canada for Foreign Medical Graduates. Information about certification and visa sponsorship is available from:

3624 Market Street 
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Selected candidates will be invited to interview. During the interview, you will meet the Program Director, Chairman, faculty physicians, and senior residents.

Application Requirements:

Applicants should use the ERAS (Electronic Residency Application Service) to submit:

  • Completed Application Form
  • Letter of Recommendation from Dean of Medical School or Medical Student Performance Evaluation MSPE
  • Three Additional Letters of Recommendation
  • Medical School Transcripts
  • USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 Reports
  • One Page Personal Statement


You can provide an optional paragraph explaining the reasons for your interest in the University of Iowa Orthopedic Residency. Please be advised this letter will be used in screening your application for a potential invitation to interview. Please send the paragraph to in PDF format and name the file Iowa Letter followed by your last name, first name (ex. Iowa Letter_Doe, John).

ERAS Supplemental Application:

Our program will be collecting and reviewing data from applicants’ supplemental ERAS applications. Completion of the standard MyERAS application is a requirement; completion of the supplemental ERAS application is optional.

In its third year of use, the supplemental ERAS application is designed to help applicants share more information about themselves and assist our program in finding applicants that fit our program’s setting and mission. There is no cost to applicants and participation is optional.

The supplemental ERAS application provides: geographic preferences (by division and by urban or rural setting); information about an applicant’s most meaningful experiences and other impactful life events, if applicable; and
program signals.

The supplemental ERAS application will be delivered on a survey platform that is separate from the MyERAS application.

Interview Dates 

  • December 11, 2025
  • December 12, 2025
  • January 8, 2026

All interviews will be in-person.

American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery Certification

Read the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery Certification Rules and Procedures.

ACGME Program Requirements

Read the ACGME Orthopaedic Surgery Program Requirements.