Contact Us

Residency Program Coordinator

Nikki Hansen
Residency Program Coordinator
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of Iowa Health Care - University Campus
200 Hawkins Drive, SE-203 GH
Iowa City, IA 52242
319-384-6511 ph
319-356-1138 fax

Residency Program Director

Brooks Obr, MD, MME 
Residency Program Director 
Department of Emergency Medicine 
University of Iowa Health Care
200 Hawkins Drive, SE-203 GH
Iowa City, IA 52242 
319-356-1484 ph 

Chair & Department Executive Officer

Andrew Nugent, MD 
Department Chair 
Department of Emergency Medicine 
University of Iowa Health Care
200 Hawkins Dr, SE-203 GH
Iowa City, IA 52242 
319-353-6360 ph 