Education and Conferences

Departmental Education

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Morbidity and Mortality (M&M) Conference is held on Tuesday mornings. During this time, cases from the preceding week are presented by the residents and discussed by the department. The fellows are encouraged to participate in this learning experience.

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Grand Rounds follows the Morbidity and Mortality conference. Grand Rounds consists of speakers from within the department, as well as invited guests from other medical institutions. Each fellow presents at one Grand Rounds conference per year.

Didactic Sessions

Didactic sessions are held on Mondays to systematically review all basic science and clinical aspects of maternal-fetal medicine as described in the Guide to Learning. These include lectures by the faculty, fellows, and invited guests from other departments. 

Maternal-Fetal Medicine Journal Club

Maternal-Fetal Medicine Journal Club is a conference where faculty members and fellows collaborate on the presentation of articles.

University Lectures

Numerous outstanding University and College of Medicine lectures are available and fellows are encouraged to attend when possible. Opportunities include other departmental grand rounds and invited speakers.