Why Iowa?

I loved the emphasis on academics and research, and the faculty and residents were the best I had met -- it was an easy choice!

What stood out to me was the tight knit group and camaraderie amongst the residents and how approachable and committed the faculty were to training.

The aims of the University of Iowa Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery residency program are to:

The aims of the University of Iowa Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery residency program are to:

  • Train future physicians to be lifelong learners, committed to self-reflection, self-assessment and improvement
  • Deliver a core curriculum that allows residents to gain knowledge encompassing the entire breadth of the field of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
  • Generate understanding in the art of inquiry and science of discovery to improve patient care and expand our specialty
  • Develop clinical reasoning and judgment skills necessary to approach complex as well as common problems that present to Otolaryngologists
  • Develop the necessary skills and knowledge used in the areas of teaching, quality and safety, and scholarship
  • Provide clinical experiences allowing residents to learn and practice delivering team-based care that reflects respect for patient values and preferences
  • Provide opportunities and flexibility supporting individualized career plans
  • Foster a learning environment that promotes progressive responsibility and graduated autonomy
  • Maintain a supportive culture which prioritizes residents’ wellness and enhances camaraderie and mentorship

World-class faculty, friendly residents, incredible research opportunities.

We have a very strong academic program here, but then we also have multiple private practice rotations.

Excellent training reputation with outstanding and approachable attendees in all subspecialties, research in hearing loss genetics, cleft clinic run by ENT, sense of camaraderie among residents and faculty, night float system.

Great people, established program, fun things to do.