Current Residents and Interns

S. Bilal Ahmed, MD

Bilal Ahmed

Ophthalmology Resident, 2022-2025

Why did you choose Iowa?

Iowa has a rich history of excellence in education, patient care, research, and producing leaders who contribute to the field of ophthalmology in a variety of meaningful ways. The focus on residents becoming well-rounded doctors and surgeons is the beating heart of this program. It is an honor to spend the next four years training at an institution with such talented, humble, and genuine people rooting for you from day one.

Dr. Ahmed's academic profile

Oladipupo Anibire, MD

Oladipupo Anibire, portrait

Why did you choose Iowa?

I knew immediately, upon receiving the invitation, how fortunate I was to have been selected for an interview from such an excellent training institution. I spoke to countless people during my journey towards matching into ophthalmology, and they could not stop speaking highly of Iowa. The unparalleled emphasis on resident education, the camaraderie among residents, the family-friendly training environment, and the opportunity to learn from world-renowned faculty members, and Iowa City being a wonderful place to raise a family made choosing Iowa an easy decision. 

Dr. Anibire's academic profile

Brandon Baksh, MD

Brandon Baksh

Ophthalmology Resident, 2023-2026

Dr. Baksh's academic profile

Donavon Dahmer, MD

Donavon Dahmer, portrait

Why did you choose Iowa?

I chose Iowa for three reasons: the immediate warm & welcoming culture of faculty and residents, the outstanding educational curriculum that emphasizes teaching & developing competent ophthalmologists, and the substantial focus on resident well-being. It was very apparent from the interview that Iowa would value me not only as a resident but as a person. And that was exactly the kind of environment I wanted to spend the next four years training in. 

Dr. Dahmer's academic profile

Patrick Donegan, MD

Patrick Donegan

Ophthalmology Resident, 2023-2026

Why did you choose Iowa?

I had heard about Iowa’s ophthalmology from my mentors in medical school for years, so when I had the chance to interview, I was elated. It seemed to be the perfect balance of terrific clinical and surgical training with world-renowned faculty and a collegial culture that allows one to retain their sanity. It obviously took a leap of faith to come here but I wanted to go to a program that would prepare me for anything after I graduate, be it comprehensive practice or fellowship.

Dr. Donegan's academic profile

Arnulfo Garza Reyes, MD

Arnulfo Garza Reyes

Ophthalmology Resident, 2022-2025

Why did you choose Iowa?

All residency programs in the country will train a competent ophthalmologist, but very few will offer you world-class training suited for any kind of practice you can imagine. Additionally, very few eye institutes will offer you a resident-driven culture. Iowa is that and more which makes it a unique place at the top of the rankings. Educating you is the priority of every faculty member, and you will find a leader in the field in every subspecialty here at Iowa. I have the goal of going back to the southern border of the country and serving my people as there is a huge need, so it was clear to me that I wanted a place that could offer me elite training to impact my community. I am uncertain about my specialty preference at this point but it gives me peace of mind knowing that graduates from Iowa are widely-known for being capable of excelling right after finishing residency. If I decide to pursue a specialty, the strength of the program and department in general along with the support of the faculty would set me up for success. When you consider residency programs, remember to keep in mind the program’s ability to set you up for a successful career...but the important thing is that success should be defined by you and your own goals. I knew that at Iowa I can come out a well-trained surgeon with experiences that will allow me to shape my career into exactly what I want. Very few places in the country can give you that luxury. To do all of that in a friendly and supportive environment is more than I could have asked for. This is the place to be.

Dr. Garza's academic profile

Marshall Henrie, MD

Marshall Henrie, portrait

Why did you choose Iowa?

When looking at different residency programs, I was looking for a place with reputable teachers and a strong history of good surgical and clinical training. Iowa exceeded all my expectations during the away rotation that I did here prior to applying. Not only are all the faculty great teachers, all the staff here are welcoming and encouraging. It’s also a great place to live if you have a family! If I had to choose again, I’d pick Iowa in a heartbeat.

Dr. Henrie's academic profile

Matthew Hunt, MD

Matthew Hunt

Ophthalmology Resident, 2023-2026

Why did you choose Iowa?

Iowa has the nicest culture, great clinical volume combined with intentional structured teaching, and interesting research opportunities.

Dr. Hunt's academic profile

Chad 'Cy' Lewis, MD

Cy Lewis

Ophthalmology Resident, 2022-2025

Why did you choose Iowa?

I chose Iowa because of the genuinely supportive and friendly culture they've built here that allows for a strong work-life balance. It's easy to see that our residents not only receive a spectacular education from many prominent leaders in the field of ophthalmology, but they also have a great time while doing it. 

Dr. Lewis' academic profile

Matthew Meyer, MD

Matthew Meyer

Ophthalmology Resident, 2023-2026

Why did you choose Iowa?

As a medical student here on rotations, it was immediately apparent to me how supportive and friendly the ophthalmology department is as a whole. From attendings, to residents, and to staff, everyone included me as part of the team. That great culture and along with well-rounded clinical and surgical training that is among the best in the country made Iowa an easy choice.

Dr. Meyer's academic profile

Paige Noble, MD

Paige Noble, portrait

Why did you choose Iowa?

I deeply value the combination of excellent training housed in a department with a kind, collaborative culture. 

Dr. Noble's academic profile

Adetayo Oladele-Ajose, MD

Adetayo Oladele-Ajose, portrait

Why did you choose Iowa?

I came to University of Iowa when I was a wee babe of 15 years old, so in effect, Iowa City raised me. Because of my limited world experience at the time, I did not realize just how genuinely special and rare Iowa City/University of Iowa was until I left and experienced life elsewhere. The people here are so kind and unfettered in how they care for you. The program itself is top of the line and they value and protect your education. I felt supported and covered by the program when I did my away before I even was part of the department. It honestly felt like coming home, so I had to choose Iowa!

Dr. Oladele-Ajose's academic profile

Zachary Richards, MD

Zachary Richards, portrait

Why did you choose Iowa?

I chose Iowa because there's no program that better blends excellence with warmth so effortlessly. On interview day, I felt seen for my values and experiences, not just an academic record or a list of publications. Iowa has all you can ask from a top program: a storied history as one of the first dedicated ophthalmology departments in the country with enormous alumni reach and influence, a faculty that is completely bought in on training clinically elite residents, ample opportunities for research and advocacy, and a culture of dignity and respect that was instantly recognizable. 

Dr. Richards' academic profile

Joanna Silverman, MD

Joanna Silverman

Ophthalmology Resident, 2022-2025

Why did you choose Iowa?

I went to medical school at Iowa, and it was here where I learned just how impactful the work of ophthalmologists are. The department is home to some big role models of mine, and I learned first-hand just how excited the physicians/residents at Iowa are to go out of their way to help cultivate our skills and passions as learners. As a frequent over-thinker, this was an easy gut decision.

Dr. Silverman's academic profile

Samuel Tadros, MD

Samuel Tadros

Ophthalmology Resident, 2023-2026

Why did you choose Iowa?

To me, Iowa stood out as a top program that offered excellent clinical and surgical training.  You can craft whatever path you like here, whether that is as a high-volume surgeon in private practice or a research minded academic clinician.  Iowa will train you for anything, and you will have fun doing it too!

Dr. Tadros' academic profile

Jonathan Trejo, MD

Jonathan Trejo

Ophthalmology Resident, 2023-2026

Why did you choose Iowa?

As someone who was for sure motivated to stay on the west coast, I couldn’t help but notice how the culture of Iowa is like no other. Every resident here is truly treated like a family member. I could immediately tell during interview day (that has been confirmed while I’ve been here) that we all look out for each other and are encouraged by our faculty and colleagues to learn, grow, and welcome what we all bring to this world-renown institution. I am so glad I chose to come here because I know I will receive the best training I can bring to my patients, peers, and mentees and have already made friendships and mentors that will be lifelong.

Dr. Trejo's academic profile

Cheryl Wang, MD

Cheryl Wang

Ophthalmology Resident, 2022-2025

Why did you choose Iowa?

I chose Iowa because of the culture. I have met so many people here who are not only super interesting and impressive but also humble, down-to-earth, and really pleasant to be around. I can recall many moments from being a medical student here where people went the extra mile for me or were generous towards me with their time, effort, and consideration, even if I was a stranger to them. These memories have made a lasting impression on me and represent the kind of physician and person I would like to become.

Dr. Wang's academic profile

Transitional Interns, Ophthalmology Resident 2025-2028

Noor-Us-Sabah Ahmad, MD

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Ella Gehrke, MD

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Nicolas Heckenlaible, MD

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Thomas Meram, MD

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Peter Sanchez, MD

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Lauren Tomlinson, MD

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