Residents are encouraged and supported in scholarly work, which may range from chart reviews to original laboratory or clinical research.
To help ensure a meaningful and successful research experience, residents follow a research curriculum with set project deliverables over the course of their 4 years here. During the first year, residents choose a project and mentor and draft the background section of their paper. They present a brief overview of the project’s background, hypothesis, and aims to the department. The residents receive feedback from the faculty as well as a scholarly project committee. In the second year, residents draft their methods section and complete any necessary applications or training required for their work. During a brief department-wide presentation, the resident reviews the approach and methods that they are using. The residents again receive feedback from their scholarly project committee. In the third year, residents have protected time to perform their research. It is expected that residents will have their project completed by the end of their 3rd year and will have a draft of their completed paper. At a meeting with their scholarly project committee, the resident will present their project in its entirety and also receive feedback on their paper before the fall of their 4th year. Fourth year residents present their completed scholarly projects at the department’s annual postgraduate course. Residents are strongly encouraged to present their research at regional and national meetings as well as to submit their manuscript for publication. Additionally, didactic teaching is provided throughout residency in principles of research including project design, statistical analysis, manuscript preparation, presentation skills, translational research, and ethics.
Many of our faculty are active in research and have NIH grants and publish their findings in the obstetrical and gynecology literature.
We have a Division of Reproductive Science Research doing research in a wide variety of areas.