Rural Track Residency

The rural track offers the best of both worlds for candidates with an interest in the practice of women’s health in a rural area. 

Like the standard track, the residency is four years and is based at University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics. During your residency you will be exposed to the depth and breadth of the field, including subspecialty rotations. You will then have the opportunity to focus on community-based practice, working with community specialists in obstetrics and gynecology, thanks to our partnerships with community hospitals and practices.

MFM rural track map Over the four years of training, you will complete five four-week rotations at community-based sites. The majority of this community-based experience is in the third and fourth years of training, enabling you to maximize your clinical experience in these sites. Telehealth is incorporated in the ultrasound rotation in the second year. Training sites include Burlington and other sites under development. 

Each residency class of six residents has four residents in the standard track and two in the rural track. Our residency program of 20 as of Sept. 2021 has been ACGME approved for 24 residents. We will receive one additional resident each year until we have reached our full complement of 24 [6-6-6-6].

The rural track is a separate NRMP match from the standard track. When selecting the University of Iowa program, there is a separate choice for the rural track.  Candidates may apply for both the standard track and rural track. Preference for the rural track residency is given to candidates with demonstrated interest in rural practice in Iowa.