What Pathology fellowships are available at Iowa?
There are fellowships available in neuropathology, surgical pathology, cytopathology, hematopathology, microbiology, blood/bank transfusion medicine, and molecular pathology.
How is vacation time handled?
Fellows have 15 weekday vacation days a year. Professional leave for meetings is negotiated on an individual basis. Leave is granted for National Board exams and American Board of Pathology exams, but not for board preparation courses. For job interviews or board preparation courses, each house staff member will be allowed five working days of leave. Additional days, beyond those five, taken for job interviews or board preparation courses will count as vacation.
What about fringe benefits such as book/travel funds?
Each fellow is given $1500/year for books/journals, meetings or memberships. Travel to national conferences is paid for by the department for fellows presenting abstracts.