The clinical program will serve as the cornerstone of the fellowship training in regional anesthesia. In order to achieve the necessary level of expertise, fellows should be familiar with the indications, contraindications, techniques, and complications of the techniques listed below:
Basic Techniques
- Superficial cervical plexus block
- Axillary brachial plexus block
- Intravenous regional anesthesia (Bier block)
- Intercostobrachial nerve block
- Saphenous nerve block
- Ankle block
- Spinal anesthesia
- Lumbar epidural anesthesia
- Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia
- Femoral nerve block
- TAP (transverse abdominis plane) block
- Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block
Intermediate Techniques
- Deep cervical plexus block
- Interscalene block
- Supraclavicular block
- Infraclavicular block
- Sciatic nerve block: posterior approach
- Popliteal block: all approaches
- Suprascapular nerve block
- Thoracic epidural anesthesia
Advanced Techniques
- Continuous interscalene block
- Continuous infraclavicular block
- Continuous supraclavicular block
- Continuous axillary block
- Thoracolumbar paravertebral block: single injection or continuous
- Lumbar plexus/Psoas block: single injection or continuous
- Combined lumbar plexus/sciatic block: single injection or continuous
- Continuous femoral nerve block
- Obturator nerve block
- Sciatic nerve block: anterior approach
- Continuous sciatic nerve block: all approaches
- Continuous popliteal block: all approaches
- Quadratus Lumborum catheter
- Rectus Sheath catheter
- Erector Spinous catheter
- Serratus Anterior catheter
- Fascia Iliaca catheter (above and below inguinal ligament)
Exposure to regional and acute pain techniques involving pediatric and ambulatory surgery patients is strongly encouraged. Physiologic and pharmacologic consequences of regional and acute pain anesthesia will be stressed. Particular attention should be focused on the potential respiratory and hemodynamic perturbations, which accompany performance of neuraxial and peripheral nerve blocks.