The UI Hospitals & Clinics Center for Procedural Skills and Simulation provides skills training to all residents in the University of Iowa General Surgery Residency Program. The Resident Skills Training Curriculum is administered through the Skills Center with the goal of providing learner-focused surgical skills education in a low stress environment that facilitates more complex learning in the patient environment. The skills curriculum includes weekly skills modules with didactic sessions and hands-on training facilitated by an expert faculty member. The curriculum utilizes computerized simulation, simulated models, and animal parts for the training modules. Highlighting the skills training are multiple live animal labs annually involving residents of different levels performing multiple basic and complex laparoscopic and open procedures.
Within the curriculum, several surgical skills are now being taught to proficiency in the Verification of Proficiency program. This program involves not only the usual education module, but adds a pre-test, scripted regimen of routine practice, and a post-test to determine technical competency with standardized criteria for proficiency.
In addition to the skills curriculum, the Fundamental of Laparoscopic Surgery Curriculum is administered within the Skills Center usually during the PGY3 year. Other planned events throughout the year include the Skills Boot Camp, cadaver labs, and a vascular anastomosis competition.
John Keech, MD
Director of Procedural Skills, Center for Procedural Skills and Simulation
Julie Hartman
Instructional Services Manager
Johnson Ding
Procedural Skills and Simulation Center Coordinator