Criteria for candidacy
Application materials may be submitted following the completion of the PL2 year of residency. Highly qualified foreign medical graduates who have an ECFMG certificate and the required American Board of Pediatrics certified residency training may apply. Both the University of Iowa and our Pediatric Hematology/Oncology training program are committed to improving access to opportunity for all members of society. We value cultural and global competency. Learn about our diverse and welcoming campus.
We accept up to two fellows each year.
Application materials needed
- Completed application on ERAS
- Completion of or current participation in an American Board of Pediatrics certified Pediatric Residency
- Resume/Curriculum Vitae
- Personal statement
- Four letters of recommendation including:
- Medical School Dean's letter (same as required for residency)
- Pediatric Residency Director, and
- Two additional faculty (or other appropriate individuals of your choice)
- USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 Examination Scores
- Copy of ECFMG Certificate (applies to international medical graduates only)
- Passport-style photograph (optional)
- Proof of US citizenship or permanent residency status
Priority deadline
The University of Iowa Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Program follows the NRMP fall match schedule. Annually, applications will be accepted through ERAS starting in July, and the deadline to apply is August 1.
If you have questions about the program, contact our program director or associate director below.
Submit applications to:
David Dickens, MD
University of Iowa Distinguished Professor
Director, Fellowship Program in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
University of Iowa, Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
200 Hawkins Drive, 1323 BT
Iowa City, IA 52242-1083
Phone: 1-319-384-5108
David Claassen, MD, PhD
Associate Director, Fellowship Program in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
University of Iowa Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
200 Hawkins Drive, 1326 BT
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: 1-319-356-1905
We will interview candidates for two positions. Interviews will start in September and end in early October. To join our fellowship, you must be licensed in Iowa by June 30 of the following calendar year to begin orientation July 1.
What should applicants expect before their interview?
- The Fellowship Program Coordinator will email you to confirm an interview date.
- Once interview date is finalized, the Fellowship Program Coordinator will email you details of the virtual interview.
What should applicants expect on their interview day?
- All interviews will be virtual, via Zoom.
- Please ensure that your technology includes both audio and visual capabilities for the interview.
Pediatric board certification
Medical specialty certification in the United States is a voluntary process which serves multiple purposes for the trainee and the public.
- Is one mission of the training program to produce trainees who meet board eligibility criteria.
- Distinguishes a physician as someone with a distinct level of expertise.
- Provides more opportunities when applying for employment.
- Presents resources and tools by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS).
- A commitment to life-long improvement for providing the best patient care.
- Elevates physicians into the ranks of doctors committed to the highest standards of healthcare.
Visit the American Board of Pediatrics for specifics on board certification requirements.