Two primary teaching facilities are used to provide educational and patient care experiences:
- University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics
- University of Iowa College of Dentistry
Both facilities are in close physical proximity and are undeniably among the very best and well-equipped in the country. To assure training and exposure in the full scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery, outside rotations are provided at the expense of the department. Rotations are further outlined under curriculum.
Seven full-time faculty members cover UI Hospitals & Clinics and the UI College of Dentistry. Other adjunct faculty participate in undergraduate and graduate education. The faculty is diverse, offering training and experience from multiple locations throughout the country. The oral and maxillofacial surgery program is supplemented by a strong, surgically oriented orthodontic program at the UI College of Dentistry. A prosthodontist enhances training at UI Hospitals & Clinics, and all disciplines participate in a comprehensive cleft lip and palate team.
The UI College of Dentistry offers interdisciplinary relationships with all graduate and undergraduate departments, providing considerable experience in dentoalveolar surgery, sedations, outpatient general anesthetics, and implants. Staff members include a strong compliment of full-time registered nurses, dental assistants, and clerical support. The College of Dentistry offers a state-of-the art audiovisual and graphics department, frequently utilized for case documentation and for presentations given locally, nationally, and internationally.
The Dows Institute of Research is an integral part of the College of Dentistry offering complete research facilities and equipment, animal operatories, and associated faculty, staff and research assistance; such assistance includes a full-time statistician.
The Hospital Dentistry Institute at UI Hospitals & Clinics is a modern, up-to-date facility featuring clinical areas for:
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Prosthodontics
- General Dentistry
The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department provides each resident with a work station within the resident's room. Conferences are held in a large, modern conference room. The operating suites at UI Hospitals & Clinics are large, modern, and rival any throughout the country, private or otherwise.