Division Faculty

From top-down, left to right: Brady Thomas, Ed Bell, Robert Roghair, TJ Boly, Patrick McNamara, John Dagle, Julie Lindower, Lindsey Knake // Sam Wong, Ram Niwas, Jack Wren, Rachael Hyland, Amy Stanford, Danielle Rios, Amy Hobson, Adrianne Rahde Bischoff // Heidi Harmon, Stephanie Lee, Tarah Colaizy, Jennifer Bermick, Allison Momany, Aunum Akhter, Glenda Rabe


We have a diverse faculty with wide-ranging clinical and research interests: some known internationally and part of the department for many years, others new and quickly establishing themselves. All clinical faculty participate in resident training, clinical practice, and research.


Click the links below to access faculty profiles: