Year 1:
- Hematology Consult Service, UI Hospitals & Clinics – 8 weeks
- Oncology Consult Service, UI Hospitals & Clinics -- 8 weeks
- VA Consult Service, VA – 4 weeks
- Bone Marrow Transplant clinic – 4 weeks
- Bone Marrow Transplant – 4 weeks
- Malignant Hematology – 4 weeks
- Supportive Oncology – 4 weeks
- Ambulatory Clinics – 12 weeks
- Research – 4 weeks (for fellows on the Clinical Investigator Pathway or Physician Scientist Pathway. This allows the fellow time to work with their mentor(s) to develop their project concept so they are ready to start their research as soon as their clinical rotations are completed in year 2).
Year 2:
- Hematopathology – 4 weeks
- Transfusion Medicine – 4 weeks
- Gynecologic Oncology – 4 weeks
- Hematology Consult Service – 4 weeks
- Oncology Consult Service – 4 weeks
- Malignant Hematology - 4 weeks
- Additional clinical electives, dedicated research time/coursework, subspecialty ambulatory clinics. This will vary depending upon the fellow’s Career Pathway.
Year 3:
- Inpatient Hematology/Oncology service – 4 weeks
- Hematology Consult Service – 4 weeks
- Oncology Consult Service – 4 weeks
- Additional clinical electives, dedicated research time/coursework, subspecialty ambulatory clinics. This will vary depending upon the fellow’s Career Pathway.