
Fellows Lectures

Hematology/Oncology Core Conference:
The Core Conference Series features 45-minute lectures on major topics in hematology and oncology.  This series follows the topic outline provided for fellow education by the American Society of Hematology and the American Society of Clinical Oncology. The lectures are provided by faculty of the Division of Hematology/Oncology or guest speakers from other departments who are experts in that topic.   This conference occurs up to twice weekly, Tuesday and Friday at 8 am.

Fellows Conference:
This conference may take one of several forms:

  • Journal Club, in which a peer-reviewed article on emerging or controversial topics in hematology oncology is reviewed
  • Board Preparation session
  • Topics of Interest to the Fellows

Blood Club and Blood Club Connect:
This case-management conference covers management and clinical topics in benign and malignant hematology encountered in recent patients at University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics or Veterans Administration Hospital. This is a multidisciplinary conference with attendance by faculty from adult and pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Hematopathology and Blood Bank. This conference occurs weekly (Thursday at 8 am).

Every second Thursday of the month, we have Blood Club Connect, a combined Blood Club with UT San Antonio and Gunderson Health System, giving us the ability to share cases across health systems and learn from each other.

Oncology Club:
This case-management conference covers management and clinical topics in oncology encountered in recent patients at University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics or Veterans Administration Hospital. This fellow-led conference helps our fellows learn from each other's patients and demonstrate to attendees real life treatment decisions we are faced with when managing complex oncology patients. This conference occurs every other Monday and Wednesday at 8 am.

Lymphoma Conference:
Lymphoma conference is a clinical case-management conference at which patients with newly diagnosed lymphoma or difficult lymphoma case management problems are discussed. This is a multi-disciplinary conference with participating faculty from the Division of Hematology/Oncology, Pathology and Radiology. The conference is moderated by Hematology/Oncology division member Dr. Grerk Sutamtewagul.  This conference occurs weekly (Monday at noon).