First and foremost is its tradition of excellence in dermatology training that goes back many years. Iowa is a department with strengths in both medical and surgical dermatology and a faculty that is committed to passing on their knowledge to our trainees. The faculty is equally balanced with experienced, skilled senior members and energetic, creative junior faculty members. Additionally, both the Carver College of Medicine and University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics are working together in advancing Dermatology. Both have recently invested in the infrastructure and new faculty opportunities for the Department.
The Department also maintains a close affiliation with the Veterans Hospital, which is located directly across the street from UI Hospitals & Clinics. The VA supports both clinical training opportunities and research within the Department of Dermatology. Finally, the University of Iowa also enjoys the strong on-going support of the program by its graduates and the community of dermatologists and patients in Iowa.
Clinical Services and Personnel
The Dermatology Clinics is a full-service outpatient surgical clinic containing 19 examination rooms, eight Mohs Surgery suites, two lasers surgery rooms, and an ultraviolet therapy room. The Department of Dermatology provides approximately 30,000 outpatient visits per year.
The department is also currently active in recruiting several new faculty members to assist in serving the ever-growing numbers of patients who seek our specialized dermatologic care.
The department enjoys recently renovated laboratory space in the Marshall Dermatology Research Laboratories that supports both basic and clinical research. New programs sponsored by the NIH, VA, and industry will offer research opportunities that span clinical, translational, and basic science research on dermatological diseases and conditions.