Fellows ordinarily begin their two-year training program in July. Year One emphasizes clinical training and includes approximately four 1/2-day outpatient clinics (including pediatric and adult Continuity of Care Clinics [COC]), rotations on allergy/immunology inpatient consults and complex disorders inpatient consults. The fellow also gains experience in various procedural skills including allergy skin testing, allergen immunotherapy, pulmonary function testing, food challenges, drug challenges and desensitization, patch testing and the use of immunoglobulin and other immunomodulatory drugs. First year fellows begin their year with direct faculty supervision for the first three months. For example, a faculty member and the fellow respond to consults together in order to train the fellow in identifying the important points in history, physical exam, evaluation/diagnostic testing and therapeutic planning. The fellow assumes increasing responsibilities throughout the two year period but will always be supervised by a faculty member before signing off on any patient. During the first year it is anticipated that the fellow will also attend one national meeting and participate in the Division's annual CME course.
Throughout Year One, the fellow is expected to attend and participate in Immunology Grand Rounds, journal clubs and all teaching conferences, as well as attend other selected research seminars and Divisional meetings. Training and certification in Human Subjects Research and Bioethics, as well as Animal Care and Use (if appropriate) is also completed at the beginning of year one.
During the first three months of training the fellow is expected to meet with each faculty member to discuss research interests and scholarly activities. By the end of October, the fellow will meet with the Training Program Director to discuss the projects he/she is interested in pursuing and a research project and mentor will be selected. The fellow and identified mentor is expected to meet on a regular basis. In addition, the fellow will meet at least twice a year with their scholarly oversight committee which includes the research mentor, Program Director, and the Division Director. The first year fellow will be asked to present a research in progress talk towards the end of the academic year. The scholarly project can include bench, clinical, or translational research, clinical trials or chart review. Selecting a specific research project does not preclude the fellow from collaborating with other faculty members on individual case reports, phase III drug trials, etc. The fellows are urged to develop their own protocols with the supervision of the faculty, and all scholarly projects should be hypothesis driven.