The Interview

We will interview prospective fellow candidates in September and October. Orientation for all new fellows begins July 1, so you must be available for that start date and be licensed in Iowa by June 30.

I got an interview! Now what?

What should I expect the night before my interview?

  • We will contact you prior to your visit to set up dinner for the evening before your interview day.
  • Dress is informal.
  • Casual attire—no tie or skirt needed—but remember to bring/wear a coat/jacket appropriate for the weather.
  • This get-together is an opportunity for you to meet us, your potential future colleagues, and we are here to answer your questions.
  • Don’t be shy about asking about the things that are on your mind.

What should I expect on the interview day?

  • We will meet you at 7 a.m. in the lobby of your hotel.
  • We suggest business attire for your interview day.
  • The components of your day include an overview of the program, briefly attending NICU rounds, individual meetings with faculty within the Division of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine.
  • If there is a specific person you would like to visit with during the interview day, please let us know and we will arrange this.
  • Lunch with current fellows allows you to ask questions directly to trainees in the program.