Conference Description

Surgery Resident Education Conference

This conference is held on Mondays at 7 a.m. and is for the PGY1s, PGY2s, and PGY3s when on a General Surgery service. The format of this conference utilizes a flipped classroom educational approach, where residents will be assigned weekly modules from SCORE (the General Surgery Resident Curriculum Portal). At the start of the conference residents will complete a short quiz, which will be reviewed by assigned faculty who serve as content experts and who will bring interactive case scenarios to be discussed after the review of the quiz.

Vascular Surgery Journal Club

This conference is held on the first Monday of the month.  Four articles are chosen by faculty.  The articles are then presented by the vascular fellows and senior residents.  This is followed by a discussion with the trainees and staff.

Surgical Audit Conference

This conference is held on Tuesdays at 7 a.m. The content of this conference focuses on cases selected to present and an appropriate literature review in order to improve patient care and reduce complications. Residents selected to present cases, work with faculty members in the development of presentation.

VA Vascular Surgery Case Conference

This is conference is held on Tuesdays at 8 a.m.  Midlevel residents and the VA fellow present the cases for the upcoming week.  Following a discussion of the relevant clinic indications, the current in-house patients are reviewed. 

Vein Conference

This is a bi-weekly conference held on Tuesdays at 3 p.m.  During the first half of the conference a resident presents a topic pertinent to venous disease.  Following this, interesting or pertinent vein cases are presented for discussion.

Surgery Grand Rounds

This conference is held Tuesdays from September through June on Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m. As surgical science and practice progresses rapidly, a need exists to continuously keep abreast of advances in surgical education, practice, and research. Utilizing visiting experts and local faculty members, development in these areas are formally presented and discussed.

Surgical Skills Lab

Skills lab sessions are held on Wednesdays at 7 a.m. A skills lab curriculum is developed allowing for the residents, based upon level, to learn skills in a controlled environment allowing for verifiable proficiency to be achieved. Sessions are led by department faculty and include formal presentations followed by hands-on practice.

UI Hospitals & Clinics Vascular Surgery Conference

This conference is held on Thursdays at 4 p.m.  The conference is led by the fellows who present complex vascular cases.  This is followed by discussion that is aimed to engage medical students, junior and senior residents as well as the fellows and staff.