Michaela Norbury, MD

Michaela Norbury profile photo
  • Neurology Resident


Rich Hill, Missouri
Medical School
University of Kansas School of Medicine, Wichita

Why Iowa

I wanted to stay in the Midwest, ideally in a smaller city that also has a diverse population. It was important to me to be able to train with experts in every sup-specialty and be exposed to the “zebras”. Iowa checked all of my boxes and my interviews with faculty and residents made me feel me so welcome and excited to join the team!

Professional/Research Interests

I have loved every part of neurology I’ve been exposed to thus far, leading me to think I will practice general neurology. I love both inpatient and outpatient medicine and hope to incorporate rural specialty care into my practice one day. 

More about me/interests

I love food (eating it, not cooking it), kayaking, hiking, flower gardening, thrifting, and chilling with my dog.