The deadline for applications is July 19.
Selected candidates for the interview process will be notified by the first part of September.
2024 Recruitment Timeline
We have adapted our usual application and interview procedures to meet the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The application deadline through ERAS is around July 20, 2024. Check back for an update.
We will extend invitations for interviews in mid-late August 2024. Check back for an update.
We have set aside the following dates for interviews September 11th, September 12th PM, September 18th, September 19th PM, September 25th, September 26th PM, October 9th, October 10th PM. On each of the full days we will have a morning and an afternoon session. We will be conducting virtual interviews. Check back for an update.
New fellows will begin training on July 1, 2025.