Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Our mission is to foster an environment where students, faculty, staff and patients can thrive regardless of race, gender, size, ethnicity, sexual orientation/identity, religion, disability/ability status, or geography.

We are a team that is passionate about removing barriers to diversity, equity and inclusion.


To unlock the full human potential of radiology health care teams
To provide equitable patient care as well as equitable access to radiology services
To deliver high quality, safe and culturally competent healthcare 
To bring all voices to the table to address complex problems of health inequality and racial injustice
To remove barriers to education, employment and career advancement

In sum, we aim to transform culture.

Diversity Links and Resources

Diversity @ UIOWA

The UIOWA Diversity Resources Office

The UIOWA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Office

The UIOWA DEI Across Campus

The UIOWA Center for Human Rights

Upcoming and recorded webinars and presentations:

UICHR Racial Equity & Human Rights Series

Anti-Racism Resource Guide: Becoming an Inclusive Leader

UI's Stance on Free Speech

Diversity @ Carver College of Medicine

Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Diversity @ UI Graduate Medical Education

GME's Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

"My Experiences" - Stories of Diversity in GME

Diversity-Related Initiatives with GME

Diversity-Related Resources at the University of Iowa

Diversity @ The American College of Radiology

American College of Radiology - Diversity (ACR)

ACR 2019 Diversity Report

JACR Collected Diversity Articles

ACR Commission For Women and Diversity

ACR PIER Internship (Pipeline Initiative for the Enrichment of Radiology)

The Washington University School of Medicine at St. Louis  - DEI Professional Development Series

Becoming Anti-Racist

Liberating Structures

Liberating Structures - Including and Unleashing Everyone

Liberating Structures - Guiding Principles

UI Libraries

Anti-Racism UI Library Guide

Other Online Resources

How To Be An Active Bystander When You See Casual Racism (from the NY Times; may require subscription)

Examples of Microaggressions from the University of Minnesota

The City University of New York Guide To Microaggressions (Kevin Nadal, PhD)

Department of Radiology Professional Development Series on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

DEI presentation DEI presentation
From Bystander to Upstander Lucy Spalutto flier
Women in Radiology Learning Roundtable flier Flier for The Benefits of Civility in the Workplace