Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Fellow at the University of Iowa
The pursuit of a career in medicine is not a journey anyone individual can achieve on their own. A lot of folks have put forth effort to help me get to where I am today. I'm immensely grateful to my wife and family, my health, and all the staff at the University of Iowa. Having completed residency training at the University of Iowa's Department of Anesthesia, I feel prepared to transition from trainee to attending physician. If I had to complete residency training all over again, I would choose the University of Iowa again!

Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Fellow at the University of Michigan
If given the choice, I would choose Iowa again. Between the clinical experience and the people that make up the department, Iowa has everything I had hoped for. Iowa does a great job of coupling a broad and diverse clinical experience with faculty who do an excellent job of facilitating a laid-back environment that still pushed me to grow into a well-rounded anesthesiologist through an appropriate level of graded clinical autonomy. Having been through the training program, I feel thankful, knowing that I have built life-long connections with both faculty and co-residents who will continue to be great resources as I move forward in my career!