Radiology Library
The Department of Radiology maintains its own departmental library, which houses over 3,000 hard cover books, online subscriptions to all the major radiology journals, and over 250 CDs/DVDs. All materials needed for resident rotations are available from the Radiology Library for checkout, eliminating the need for residents to purchase books if they choose not to. The library is also equipped with its own computer lab, scanner, photocopier and overhead projector. Computers in the library provide access to software that will assist in the creation of presentations, papers and other projects, including MS Office, Photoshop and Adobe Acrobat Professional software. A friendly, on-site librarian is happy to help you locate the information you need. Residents can also suggest resources for library purchase.
Hardin Health Sciences Library
Hardin Library is the University's premier health sciences library. It is conveniently located within a few minutes' walking distance of the Department of Radiology and houses many books not owned by the Radiology Library. It has an extensive print and online journal collection, as well as provides access to many useful databases including:
- UpToDate
- MD Consult
- Web of Science
- STAT!Ref
- Dynamed
- Board Vitals
- ClinicalKey
Other Resources
All radiology residents are also given access to STATdx, RadPrimer, and e-Anatomy. In addition, residents have regular access to the Endovascular Skills Lab, which includes hands-on experience on 3-D vascular models, endovascular devices and skills training using various simulators to prepare for various complex scenarios.