Benefits and Livability

Family Medicine Benefits

In addition to benefits provided by UI Health Care, the Family Medicine department extends the following benefits to its residents:

  • One week conference leave during second and third year
  • One week for Practice Search Leave (final year of training)
  • A laptop and power mic are provided during training
  • Meal allowance
  • Book and conference funds of up to $2,250 for the duration of residency
  • Individual workspace and study carrel (located in Residents’ Room)
  • Mid-winter retreat for resident group
  • Iowa resident physician license application fee
  • Iowa permanent medical license application fee
  • American Academy of Family Physicians resident dues
  • American Board of Family Medicine certification exam registration fee
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support Course
  • Pediatric Advanced Life Support Course
  • Neonatal Resuscitation Program
  • Advanced Life Support for Obstetrics Course
  • Advanced Trauma Life Support Course (for those interested)

Wellness, Support, and Social Activities

Social activities for residents, faculty, and staff take place throughout the year.

Residency picnic - The picnic is held in the first couple of weeks of residency at a local park for incoming residents and their families to meet with faculty, residents and staff from the Family Medicine department and clinic.

Residency picnic photo

Kickball - A friendly competition between faculty and residents held yearly. Faculty traditionally win!

Kickball team photo

Holiday party - A holiday party is scheduled each December for the Family Medicine Department and clinics including faculty, residents, staff, and their families.

Graduation - A graduation ceremony and dinner take place in June to honor the graduating residents and fellows. This evening is one of celebration and farewell. It represents an opportunity for each of us to congratulate the graduating residents for their dedication and hard work as well as to express our thanks for their efforts on behalf of our patients and the program.

Graduation photo

Retreat - A mid-year resident retreat occurs to give residents an opportunity to relax and socialize. A brief program includes class meetings and presentations by speakers centered around management of health systems, teaching and wellness. All residents are released from service and call responsibilities during their retreat and faculty members cover the Family Medicine Services..

Retreat photo

Wellness & support groups - The groups meet every four weeks during the lunch hour and are led by residents and faculty. Most importantly, our residents enjoy spending time with one another and organizing social activities.

Wellness and support group photo

Discover Iowa

If your vision of residency includes giving up your personal life, think again. Iowa City will raise your sense of adventure and provide you with some of the best times of your life.