Monday, July 13, 2015
A former resident from the Department of Ophthalmology, Dr. Andrew Doan, was awarded the 2015 Early Distinguished Career Achievement Award from the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine. The award honors College of Medicine graduates of the past 20 years who have achieved early distinction in their field.
Dr. Doan completed residencies in internal medicine (‘02R) and ophthalmology (’05R) at the University of Iowa before pursuing a career that includes private practice, academic medicine, and military medicine. During residency training, he co-founded and designed, an educational resource now used by ophthalmologists all over the world. He has excelled in the field of ophthalmology as a clinician, surgeon, teacher, and advocate for the profession. He is also a successful author and speaker on the subject of technology and gaming addiction.
Dr. Doan received the award during Medicine Alumni Reunion Weekend. Here he poses with Debra Schwinn, MD, Dean of the Carver College of Medicine (right) and Christy Donaghy, a M4 medical student interested in pursuing ophthalmology. Photo credit: Susan McClellan
Story Source: UI Health Care Marketing and Communications, 200 Hawkins Drive, Room W319 GH, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1009
Media Contact: Joe Schmidt. 319-384-8529