
Congratulations to Dr. Harland on her paper on teen dating violence policies. This is important work! United States' teen dating violence policies: summary of policy element variation. Rochford HI, Peek-Asa C, Abbott A, Estin A, Harland K. J Public Health Policy. 2022 Dec;43(4):503-514. doi: 10...
Congratulations to Dr. McCabe, Dr. Theiler, and Haley Egan on their paper in AJEM. The incidence of self-harm ingestions in adolescents and young adults at a tertiary care center . McCabe DJ, Egan HM, Theiler CA. Am J Emerg Med. 2023 Jan;63:50-54. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2022.10.031. Epub 2022 Oct 21...
Congratulations to Dr. Lee and his collaboration for their paper on metformin and delirium risk. Nice work! The potential benefit of metformin to reduce delirium risk and mortality: a retrospective cohort study. Yamanashi T, Anderson ZE, Modukuri M, Chang G, Tran T, Marra PS, Wahba NE, Crutchley KJ...
Congratulations to Dr. Takacs, Dr. Harland and the rest of the fireworks research team on their paper on firework injuries. Nice work! Firework injuries remain high in years after legalisation: its impact on children. Galet C, Slagel I, Froehlich A, Bobb M, Lilienthal M, Fuchsen E, Harland KK,...
Congratulations to Dr. Takacs and the rest of the fireworks research team on their paper on firework injuries. Firework injuries remain high in years after legalisation: its impact on children. Galet C, Slagel I, Froehlich A, Bobb M, Lilienthal M, Fuchsen E, Harland KK, Pelaez CA, Skeete DA, Takacs...
Congratulations to Dr. Faine for his paper about authorship of emergency medicine organization papers related to pharmaceutical care. Pharmacist authors of emergency medicine organization work products pertaining to pharmacotherapy. Knight RV, McDowell M, Lyons N, Faine BA, Rech MA. Am J Health...
Congratulations to Dr Del Rios on her paper this month in Resuscitation. "Is all bystander CPR created equal? Further considerations in sex differences in cardiac arrest outcomes." . Perman SM, Vogelsong MA, Del Rios M. Resuscitation. 2022 Nov 24:S0300-9572(22)00721-3. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation...
Congratulations to Dr Findlay and the rest of her UIEM team on her paper on social determinants of health during the pandemic. Impacts of the Pandemic on Social Determinants of Health in an Academic Emergency Department. Findlay S, Okoro U, Lee S, Harland K, Evers M, Gaffney E, McCormick M, Buresh...
Congratulations to Dr. Takacs on his paper published in JAMA Network Open on gender differences in training comments. This is a really important topic. Nice work! Gender Differences in Emergency Medicine Attending Physician Comments to Residents: A Qualitative Analysis . Mamtani M, Shofer F, Scott...
Congrats to Dr. Mohr on his recent publication! Comparison of test-negative and syndrome-negative controls in SARS-CoV-2 vaccine effectiveness evaluations for preventing COVID-19 hospitalizations in the United States. Turbyfill C, Adams K, Tenforde MW, Murray NL, Gaglani M, Ginde AA, McNeal T,...