The fellow will have broad exposure to every aspect of sports, including conservative treatment and operative management of:
Medical coverage is provided for over 700 Division I athletes on 20 teams at the University of Iowa, as well as non-university amateurs and professional athletes. The fellow is primarily responsible for covering football, and can choose level of involvement with other sports, depending on interest.
The fellow will participate in weekly multi-disciplinary conferences with primary care sports medicine, radiology, physical therapy, and athletic training. In addition, there are journal clubs at faculty homes every month to review both current and classic literature in sports medicine.
University of Iowa also has a state-of-the-art surgical skills laboratory, which is used regularly by the fellows and residents to practice arthroscopic surgical techniques as well as for basic science research projects. There is also an arthroscopic simulator available for use.
The fellow is required to complete one original research project that is submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal prior to completion of the fellowship. We have a plethora of research opportunities, including basic science as well as clinical through our single center and multi-center prospective cohorts.
The Orthopedic Sports Medicine fellow will complete a formal Sports Ultrasound curriculum including didactics and hands on instruction in scanning techniques of the shoulder, elbow, wrist/hand, hip, knee, foot/ankle, and select non-musculoskeletal topics related to sports medicine. The curriculum follows the recommendations from the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine.
The fellow will also be exposed to routine ultrasound guided injections and more advanced ultrasound guided percutaneous orthopedic interventions including tenotomy, carpal tunnel release, and regenerative medicine procedures. The UI Sports Medicine Ultrasound Lab is accredited by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM).