
The Pediatric Endocrinology Fellowship schedule provides for a mix of clinical and research time to meet ACGME requirements while providing flexibility for the fellow's chosen career.

  Inpatient Outpatient Research Weekends Continuity Clinic
Year 1 4 months (16 weeks) 2 months (8 weeks) 6 months 10 1 half day per week
Year 2

3 months (12 weeks)

1 month (4 weeks) 8 months 10 1 half day per week
Year 3

3 months (12 weeks)

1 month (4 weeks) 8 months 12 1 half day per week

An example Inpatient clinical week for a first-year fellow would include:​

  • Daily Endocrine teaching rounds with residents, medical students, and the attending pediatric endocrinologist.

  • See inpatient consults.

An example Outpatient clinical week for a first-year fellow would include:

  • A weekly Continuity Clinic.
  • 4-6 Endocrine clinics, comprising of general endocrine, diabetes, and other sub-specialty clinics.
  • Resident and student education sessions.