Rounds, Lectures, and Conferences
- Stroke Rounds: these are case-based learning educational rounds in the stroke unit. Stroke rounds are attended by the entire stroke team. It consists of a formal presentation of a recent case in the stroke unit. Cases are presented by residents or medical students and are used as a springboard to discuss one or several cerebrovascular topics.
- Monday at 7 a.m. : Neurointerventional M&M conference. Challenging cases are discussed among the Neurointerventional team. Attendance to this meeting is optional, but can be a great educational experience.
- Monday at noon is our vascular neurology teaching conference. Different vascular neurology topics are presented by fellows, faculty and residents. Colleagues from other departments (e.g. cardiology, rehabilitation medicine) are invited to present at this conference.
- Monday at 3 p.m. is “Vascular Fellows Hour”. This meeting is led by Emeritus Professor Harold Adams. Fellows present cases that are discussed by Dr. Adams and the stroke faculty. This is a delightful educational experience aimed at teaching fellows about clinical skills while reviewing the most updated stroke literature.
- Tuesday at noon: Neurology grand rounds.
- Wednesday at 4 p.m.: “Interdisciplinary M&M” conferences with our colleagues from neurosurgery and interventional neurology. Every mechanical thrombectomy case is presented and carefully discussed. Cases are presented by both fellows from vascular neurology and neurointerventional surgery.
- First Wednesday of every month: Vascular Neurosurgery Conference. This meeting is optional for the vascular neurology fellows. Challenging cases are discussed among neurosurgery and interventional neurology faculty.