Choosing a pathology residency can be an exciting, but sometimes anxiety-provoking, experience. Given the diversity of pathology residency programs available, distinguishing among the individual programs can be a daunting task. Additionally, the application and interview process can be hectic and exhausting, and one can easily leave an interview without a clear feeling for what a program has to offer. The most important aspect of selecting a residency training program is finding one that works well for the applicant and the institution.
It is with these thoughts in mind that the residents at Iowa decided to try to facilitate communication with prospective residents. We collectively composed the following resident-written descriptions of the program rotations in order to give an accurate picture of the resident's duties on each of the rotations. Descriptions of our teaching conferences are also provided. Additionally, we have included a question-and-answer section with questions applicants frequently ask, and some important questions that may not immediately come to mind.
As pathology residents at The University of Iowa, we are proud of our program and are extremely satisfied with our training. We believe that the program is "resident-oriented" and provides an outstanding learning environment. We look forward to meeting many of you over the next few months.
If you have questions about our program or about living in Iowa, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Amr Masaadeh, MBBS
Co-Chief Resident
Jane Persons, MD/PhD
Co-Chief Resident