How to Apply

This year we will be using CentralApp (CentralApp) in addition to ERAS for our review process.  
CentralApp was started as a low-cost alternative to ERAS in plastic surgery 5 years ago and it is now used specialty wide (Learn More). We are piloting this platform with the hope that in future years we can remove the financial barriers created by progressive application fee structures of ERAS. As you will see from the questions, CentralApp also promotes holistic application review by focusing on quality application content rather than quantity.  In addition, CentralApp allows us earlier access to applications (September 16) than ERAS (September 26) which gives us additional time to review. There is no cost for you to use CentralApp.
Upon accessing CentralApp, you will be instructed to create a secure account that will be verified by your medical school dean's office, who will submit your transcripts and MSPE directly through the portal. Letters of recommendation should be requested through CentralApp in order for you to have a complete application for us to review.  The Match will remain with the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP).  Please direct any questions about the application to

Please note that you are not required to apply to both Central App and ERAS; you may submit your application to one or both.

Criteria for Candidacy

Training Program Eligibility Criteria for:

U.S. Medical School Graduates

Passing score on USMLE Step 1 (COMLEX score greater than 600 accepted as substitute). Prefer completion of USMLE Step 2

Application via the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) including:

  • A minimum of three letters of recommendation (letters from faculty or supervisors who know you personally are preferable)
  • Dean’s letter
  • Medical school transcript verifying appropriate medical education to train in a large teaching hospital
  • Personal statement (there are no specific requirements for the personal statement but in general it should explain why you are interested in an anesthesiology residency and justify why you would be a good candidate)
  • Photograph
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • We do not require a "Chairman’s Letter," but you may submit it you have one

History of and commitment to excellence in academics and a strong interest in anesthesia

International Medical School Graduates

USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 (CK) passing scores (no failures). Scores must be available before you can be considered for an interview

Passing grade on the USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills (CS) or the ECFMG’s Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA) on the first attempt (no failures)

Or has received a valid, current ECFMG certificate

Medical school graduation date of 2010 or later

Appropriate medical education to train in a large U.S. teaching hospital

Previous anesthesia residency experiences, observership or clinical experience in the U.S. is strongly preferred

Previous degree in U.S., (i.e. MPH) is also desirable

Application via the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) including:

  • A minimum of three current letters of recommendation (letters from faculty or supervisors who know you personally are preferable)
  • Dean’s letter
  • Medical school transcript verifying appropriate medical education to train in a large teaching hospital
  • Personal statement (there are no specific requirements for the personal statement but in general it should explain why you are interested in an anesthesiology residency and justify why you would be a good candidate)
  • Photograph
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • We do not require a "Chairman’s Letter," but you may submit it you have one

History of and commitment to excellence in academics and a strong interest in anesthesia

U.S. citizenship or an H-1b or J-1Visa.

The Department of Anesthesia at Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine and UI Health Care shares the University of Iowa’s commitment to equal access and, consistent with its academic mission and standards, strives to achieve excellence through the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion. In the Department of Anesthesia, we are mindful of all aspects of human difference and define diversity in the broadest sense to mean inclusion of all persons. This means we do a holistic review of applications, with particular interest in recruiting applicants who have shown grit and resilience in their path to medicine, as well as potential to lead anesthesiology in the future.


Registration for the National Resident Matching Program opens in September each year.

Applications should be received by mid-October to receive priority consideration for interview dates.

We begin reviewing applications in early October. Interviews will be held from October through January.

Ranks lists are due late February/early March. Match day is third Friday of March each year.

The Interview

How many positions do you offer each year?

We offer 15 PGY1 (internship) positions each year. Our program is a combined internship and anesthesia residency for a total of 4 years.

When are your interviews?

Our first interview dates are in October, and we complete our interviews in mid-December.

Could you please describe the interview process?

Interviews are currently being held virtually. We interview 10 applicants per day and offer two half-day sessions, morning and afternoon.

The interview date consists of:

  • Welcome and introductory presentation by one of the chief residents
  • Series of four personal interviews with three faculty (including the Department Chair, Dr. Wong, and the Program Director, Dr. Hadder) and a chief resident

How many total residents and fellows are in your program?

With 15 positions available for each residency class, we can have a maximum of 60 residents total. We typically have 11-12 fellows each year as well.

How many applicants do you interview?

Around 150, out of more than 1,000 applications.

Do you have any specific criteria for selecting candidates for interviews?

We require a passing score on USMLE Step 1 (COMLEX score greater than 600 accepted as substitute), and we prefer completion of USMLE Step 2. Otherwise, we are looking for students with strong academic credentials, evidence of a strong interest in anesthesia, and a commitment to hard work and to being a superb physician.