Our Physician-Scientist Training Pathway allows residents to continue to develop as scientists and to keep abreast of advances in technology and in their area of research.
A limited number of residents are admitted to this program as it is designed for those who have developed laboratory or clinical research skills prior to entering residency.
Residents may elect to spend up to three months of each post-graduate year in a molecular genetics, neuroscience, or neuropharmacology laboratory, or in a clinical neuroscience laboratory, to learn new techniques or to assist in on-going research projects.
Participating residents may tailor this track to meet their individual needs and interests.
Each resident is paired with a mentor who provides supervision and evaluates the resident’s progress. Each participant will also become part of the broader Carver College of Medicine Physician-Scientist Training Pathway, and thus benefit from the interaction with trainees from medicine, pediatrics, neurology, and other departments.