Formal resident teaching occurs daily at noon conferences, which provides instruction in radiologic imaging and principles in a structured, organized manner. Conference blocks are assigned to division focusing on introductory/ intermediate topics from July- Dec and advanced topics, mock boards, and call prep lectures in the Jan- June blocks. These conferences are subspecialty-based and given by faculty members.
The noon conferences are based on a two-year curriculum, to ensure that all residents have an opportunity to be exposed to information critical to their training twice during their residency. Attended by both residents and faculty members, this conference is critically evaluated by our residents for both content and quality. The Noon Conference is supplemented with frequent guest lecturers, which provides residents and faculty with the opportunity to hear nationally and internationally recognized radiologists. The Department typically has one visiting guest lecturer per month.
Morning Conferences are held on Mondays and Wednesdays and are case-based conference to allow all the residents to be exposed to a wide variety of cases. Although more informal than the Noon Conference, case conferences provide an additional means to assure that residents cover specific topics relevant to the subspecialty areas through which they rotate.