The University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program ensures that it provides appropriate supervision for all residents, as well as a work hour schedule and a work environment that optimizes quality patient care, fortifies the educational trajectory of house staff members, and addresses all applicable program requirements. On-call duties are necessary components of the UIHC clinical care systems and educational programs; these duties are managed to ensure adequate periods of rest with appropriate levels of supervision to deliver safe, effective patient care. (The terms “resident” or “house staff member” used in this policy shall refer to resident and fellow physicians and dentists at all house staff levels.)
The clinical activities of all residents are supervised by teaching staff and/or more advanced house staff members in such a way as to ensure that residents assume progressively increasing responsibility according to each resident’s level of education, ability and experience. The teaching staff determines the level of responsibility accorded to each resident. On-call schedules for teaching staff and more advanced house staff members are structured to ensure supervision is readily available to those on duty. Call is no more frequent than approved by the Radiology RRC of the ACGME. No resident will be on call during their first year of diagnostic radiology residency.
The Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program demonstrates that the appropriate level of supervision is in place for all patients cared for by all residents. These levels of supervision include:
PGY 1 residents are supervised either directly or indirectly with direct supervision immediately available while they acquire basic knowledge and skills specific to the specialty. Activities of PGY 2 residents and above are supervised by any level of supervision, as appropriate to the patient situation and resident capability. Supervision does not equate merely to the presence of more senior physicians nor with the absence of independent decision making on the part of residents. These supervision standards encompass the concepts of graded authority, responsibility and conditional independence that are the foundation of delegation of authority to more senior house staff members. Should the resident ever need more assistance and information, they may contact the senior resident, fellow, or faculty on call.
Residents work hours are monitored by the Program Director/Associate Program Directors, Chief Residents and Program Coordinator by means of a work hour record on MedHub that residents are expected to be completed weekly. The work hours for day and night duty on all rotations are designed such that hours worked will fall within the ACGME rules for resident work hours: no more than 80 hours per week when averaged over 4 weeks; one day off in seven when averaged over 4 weeks; post call, residents are excused by 1100 on the post call day if on an in-patient service, and 0730 following check out if on an outpatient rotation unless they have their continuity clinic that morning; there is at least a 10 hour period free of clinical duty between shifts.
All residents will report any concerns about resident hours directly to the Program Director/Associate Program Directors or via rotational evaluations solicited at the end of every rotation.
Specific work hour requirements are as follows:
1. MAXIMUM HOURS OF WORK PER WEEK: Clinical and educational work hours must be limited to no more than 80 hours per week, averaged over a four-week period, inclusive of all in-house clinical and educational activities, clinical work done from home, and all moonlighting. The weekly maximum shall include time spent for administrative duties related to patient care, the transfer of patient care, scheduled academic activities such as conferences, research related to the program, and any time the resident spends on-site after being called in to the hospital. Not included in the weekly maximum is time spent outside of UIHC (or outside another institution related to the program’s academic purposes) for academic preparation, reading, and studying.
Residents must be scheduled for a minimum of one day in seven free of clinical work and required education (when averaged over four weeks).
3. MAXIMUM FREQUENCY OF OVER-NIGHT IN-HOUSE ON-CALL DUTIES: In-house call must not be scheduled more frequently than every third night when averaged over a 4-week period.
4. MAXIMUM FREQUENCY OF IN-HOUSE NIGHT FLOAT: Night float must occur within the context of the 80-hour and one day-off-in-seven requiremen.
5. MANDATORY TIME FREE OF WORK CLINICAL WORK AND EDUCATION: Residents should have eight hours off between scheduled clinical work and education periods. Residents must have at least 14 hours free of clinical work and education after 24 hours of in-house call. Residents must be scheduled for a minimum of one day in seven free of clinical work and required education (when averaged over four weeks). At-home call cannot be assigned on these free days.
6. MINIMUM TIME OFF BETWEEN SCHEDULED WORK PERIODS: Based on the level of the resident, there are identified levels of time off between scheduled duty periods.
7. HOME CALL: Residents returning to the hospital from home call must count their time spent in the hospital towards the 80-hour maximum weekly hour limit. The frequency of home call is not subject to the every-third-night limitation but must satisfy the requirement for 1 day in 7 free of duty, when averaged over 4 weeks.
Moonlighting is governed by the Moonlighting Policy and Procedures for House Staff Physicians and Dentists. All requirements of that policy must also be followed, including visa and license requirements. We allow moonlighting as long it does not exceed the work hours. Residents are required to report their hours on MedHub. It should be noted:
The Diagnostic Radiology Residency program meets the requirements of this policy as well as any applicable standard set by the ACGME, the appropriate RRC, or other accrediting or certifying body. This policy is distributed by the GME Office to all GME employment contract holders. The Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program also distributes this policy annually the first week of July to residents, fellows and faculty. The residency program monitors resident work hours with a frequency sufficient to ensure compliance with this policy and the ACGME/RRC/other accrediting or certifying body’s rules.