How to Apply

Applications are only accepted through the Electronic Residency Application System (ERAS). Positions are available for candidates who wish to obtain clinical and research training in endocrinology beginning July 1 next year. Fellows can apply beginning July 1, and the programs can upload the applications beginning July 15.

US residents should contact their Dean's Office or ERAS at

International residents should contact the ECFMG at

An ECFMG certificate must accompany the ERAS application. We consider all applicants regardless of visa status.

A complete ERAS application includes:

  • curriculum vitae
  • statement of the applicant's long-term career goal and field of interest
  • dean's letter
  • three current letters of recommendation
  • copies of ECFMG scores for Steps I, II, and III (if completed)
  • applicant's transcripts for USMLE Steps 1, 2, and 3
  • medical school transcript
  • publications and manuscripts, if applicable, can be listed in the summary sheet and CV sections of the ERAS application.
  • an unmounted recent photograph of applicant must accompany application or be provided at time of interview

All applicants must also register with the National Resident Matching Program (Phone: 202-828-0566).

The ACGME ID for our program is 1431821079

If you have any questions, contact Kim Tolsdorf at

Applications and all supporting documents must be submitted through ERAS.  We review all completed applications submitted through September 1, however, once we have filled our interview slots we do not review further applications. Interviews typically occur in August and September.

Completed applications are reviewed by our faculty, and we invite for interview those individuals whose credentials suggest that they will have a good chance to achieve an appointment. Qualifying applicants with a J1 or H1B visa will be considered for our fellowship program. While we do not impose any visa restrictions to entry into our clinical training program, most research fellowship positions are funded by NIH grants, thus limiting eligibility to candidates with US citizenship.                                                                             

If you are selected for an interview, we will send you a letter of invitation. Interviews will take place beginning in August through October.

Board Certification

Medical specialty certification in the United States is a voluntary process which serves multiple purposes for the trainee and the public.

Certification is

  • one mission of the training program to produce trainees who meet board eligibility criteria;
  • distinguishes a physician as someone with a distinct level of expertise;
  • provides more opportunities when applying for employment;
  • presents resources and tools by the ABMS;
  • a commitment to life-long improvement for providing the best patient care; and
  • elevates physicians into the ranks of doctors committed to the highest standards of healthcare.

For more information visit the American Board of Internal Medicine for specifics on board certification requirements.

Eligibility Criteria

Qualifications for candidates include (1) an MD degree (or equivalent), (2) completion or expected completion of three years of residency training in Internal Medicine, with Board Eligibility or Certification by the American Board of Internal Medicine, by the initiation of Endocrinology Fellowship training

Interview Information

At the interview, prospective candidates will receive an overview of the program and tour of the facilities. They will also meet individually with key faculty members that may include any or all of the following: the program director, other Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism faculty, and the division chair.