The Recruitment Process

How to Apply

Applications are only accepted through the Electronic Residency Application System (ERAS), and all applicants must also register with the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP).

Application review and interview selection begin when applications become available in ERAS; it is recommended that your application is submitted by this time. Interviews begin in October and go through early January.

A complete ERAS application includes:

  • Medical School Transcript
  • MSPE
  • Three Letters of Recommendation
  • USMLE Transcript
  • ECFMG Certificate
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Personal Statement
  • Photograph (optional)

Interested in applying to the Clinical Neuroscientist Training Program?

Those interested in applying to the CNS-TP (Clinical Neuroscientist Training Program) should email Caroline Martin at and Kumar Narayanan at during the application process.


Eligibility Criteria

What We Seek in an Applicant

We approach application review holistically and do not hold to rigid criteria. The successful applicant will most likely possess a combination of:

  • Evidence of high academic achievement
  • Outstanding letters of recommendation from individuals who have worked closely with you
  • A record of experiences that indicates a passionate interest in a career in neurology
  • Evidence of success at teaching, leadership, and/or research

Additional information for foreign medical graduates:

Our program accepts foreign medical graduates, but expects the following additional qualifications:

  • ECFMG certification
  • A significant amount of U.S. clinical experience*
  • Outstanding letters of recommendation from U.S. neurologists*

*Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is understandable if U.S. clinical experience was not possible

Clinical Neuroscientist Training Program (CNS-TP)

To be considered for admission to the CNS-TP, no additional application is needed, simply notify the Residency Program Director of your interest. More information about the CNS-TP can be found here. Admission requires the following:

  • Extensive exposure to research, such as graduation from an MSTP, 5th research year during medical school, or equivalent
  • Outstanding research accomplishments, with a strong record of publication
  • Letters of recommendation from scientists who have supervised you
  • All of the qualifications of applicants to our regular residency program, including clear evidence of commitment to excellence in clinical care