Our curriculum is designed to create a comprehensive and well-rounded review of all topics within pediatric cardiology with didactic experiences every day of the week.
Twice weekly conferences for all fellows for comprehensive review of core topics in pediatric cardiology. This series includes interactive lectures from subspecialists in advanced imaging, electrophysiology, exercise science, heart failure/transplant, cardiogenetics, intensive care, interventional cardiology, neonatal hemodynamics, pathology, and POTS/syncope. There is also protected time in this series for Moss & Adams sessions and Board Prep Question Review.
A weekly conference for all fellows to review planned cases for the upcoming week in addition to cardiac catheterization and angiographic data from interesting cases the previous week.
The pediatric cardiology staff, cardiovascular surgery staff and cardiovascular anesthesia staff meet jointly once a week to review upcoming surgical cases. The pediatric cardiology fellows present cases and participate in the discussions.
This one-hour conference is held weekly with the sonographers joining the fellows every other week. Combined conferences with the sonographers focus on technical aspects of echocardiography and anatomy, while sessions for fellows only delve deeper into clinical aspects of imaging and fellow-specific educational topics.
During this monthly session, one of our cardiac surgeons sits down with the fellows to review video recording of a recent surgery, detailing the surgical process and specific techniques involved in surgical repair and palliation.
Regularly scheduled conference for fellows to review cardiac anatomy and pathology specimens with faculty trained in cardiac pathology.
This monthly conference is held in conjunction with our neonatal ICU and neonatal hemodynamics teams to review challenging neonatal cases and the specific evaluation and management techniques used in neonates.
This monthly conference is held in conjunction with the surgical and PCICU teams.
This weekly lecture series is for all fellows in pediatrics at Stead Family Children’s Hospital and focuses on research and career development with topics covering research basics, REDCap, grant writing, collaborative research, mentorship, and research in progress presentations.