The goal of the Clinical Specialist track is to prepare the fellow for a career in academia with a focus on clinical investigation. This curriculum track will prepare oncology fellows for an academic career as a subspecialist without the need for additional subspecialty training post medical oncology fellowship.
The 6 areas of focus for this track are:
Oncology fellows in this track will have increased clinical exposure in their areas of specialization. This would include:
During this 3-year program, Fellows will be required to conduct a research project and basic, translational or clinical research in their areas of specialization with Holden Cancer Center Investigators.
Fellow will have the opportunity to participate in the ICTS Certificate Program or selected coursework in clinical investigation.
Fellows will be encouraged to apply for peer-reviewed funding (including ASCO YIA) and apply to society-based clinical investigator workshops (ASH, ASCO, LLS, LRF). Fellows will also attend and will be encouraged to present at national meetings focused on their area of subspecialization.